California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("W" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Walking Shield American Indian Society, Orange.
  2. Walnut Country, Community association, Concord.
  3. Walnut Creek Tennis Club, Walnut Creek.
  4. WATCH, Services for battered women and their children, San Jose.
  5. West Valley ARA, Ham radio club, San Jose.
  6. West Valley Christian Church, West Hills.
  7. Western Public Safety Alternatives, Vehicle donation program for law enforcement, Upland.
  8. Western States Rocky Mountain Horse Association, Norco.
  9. Westminster Gardens, Christian retirement community, Duarte.
  10. What Would Jesus Do?, Homeless services, Roseville.
  11. Wheels for Humanity, Putting used wheelchairs to work, North Hollywood.
  12. Wild Side Adventures, Bothell.
  13. Wild Side Foundation, Hollywood.
  14. WildRescue, Helping native wildlife, Malibu.
  15. Wildwood Dads Club, Supporting Wildwood Elementary School, Piedmont.
  16. Wine Brats, Wine enthusiasts, Santa Rosa.
  17. Wishland Foundation, Vacations for children with life-threatening illnesses, Newport Beach.
  18. Women Peace Officers Association of California, Murrieta.
  19. Woodland Cal Ripken Youth Baseball League, Woodland.
  20. Woodland Healthcare, Hospital and medical groups, Woodland.
  21. Woods Humane Society, Animal shelter, San Luis Obispo.
  22. Word of Grace Christian Centre, Non-denominational Church, Lompoc.
  23. Work Training Center, Training for people with disabilities, Chico.
  24. Workplace Learning Resource Center, Literacy programs, Pasadena.
  25. World Evangelistic Crusade, Hemet.
  26. Worldwide Church of God, San Francisco.
  27. Writers Guild Foundation, Los Angeles.


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