California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("N" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. NAMI Santa Clara County, Mental illness information, San Jose.
  2. Naqshbandi, Culver City.
  3. National Assistance League, Linking community volunteers, Los Angeles.
  4. National Association for Year-Round Education, San Diego.
  5. National Association of Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Los Angeles.
  6. National Center on Deafness, Northridge.
  7. National Childhood Cancer Foundation, Arcadia.
  8. National Council Of Jewish Women, Los Angeles.
  9. National Federation of the Blind, The organized blind in Kern County, Bakersfield.
  10. National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Youth training, Burlingame.
  11. National Horseshoe Pitchers Association, Santa Rosa.
  12. National Memory Impairment Institute, Alzheimer's disease & dementia training, Walnut.
  13. National PACE Association, Promotes quality care for the frail elderly, San Francisco.
  14. National Station Car Association, Promoting electric cars, Oakland.
  15. National Teen Leadership Program, Sacramento.
  16. National Watercolor Society, Downey.
  17. Nazarene International Educators Association, Upland.
  18. Neighborhood Church of Castro Valley, Castro Valley.
  19. Neighbors for Responsible Logging, Watchdog group, Los Gatos.
  20. NeighborTech, Technology learning centers, Oakland.
  21. NetAction, Technology information, San Francisco.
  22. New Alternatives, Foster family agency, San Diego.
  23. New Horizons School, Homeless children's program, Santa Cruz.
  24. Newman Catholic Community Center, Chico.
  25. Newman Catholic Student Community, Davis.
  26. Newport Jaycees, Leadership training for young professionals, Newport Beach.
  27. Nicasio Grove No. 42, United Ancient Order of Druids, Nicasio.
  28. Nihonmachi Street Fair, San Francisco.
  29. Nonprofit Resource Center, Support for nonprofits, Sacramento.
  30. Nonprofit Spay Neuter Clinic of Ventura, Spays and neuters, vaccine clinic, Oxnard.
  31. Norcal Environmental Student Network, Connects high school environmental and outdoor clubs, Carmichael.
  32. North Bay Athletic Association, Gymnastics, cheer, dance, Vallejo.
  33. North County Food Bank, San Marcos.
  34. North County Serenity House, Drug & alcohol recovery program, Escondido.
  35. North County Stallions Track & Field Club, Oceanside.
  36. Northcoast California Backcampers, Eureka.
  37. Northeast Valley Health, San Fernando.
  38. Northern California Ballet, Paradise.
  39. Northern California Cricket Association, Corte Madera.
  40. Northern California Non-Profit Organizations
  41. Northwest Glendale Homeowners Association, Glendale.
  42. Novato Grove No. 113, United Ancient Order of Druids, Novato.


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