California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("M" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Macrocosm USA, Clearinghouse for progressives, San Luis Obispo.
  2. Malibu Pet Companions, Help for the sick, injured and abandoned pets, Malibu.
  3. Manteca Chargers, Youth Football, Manteca.
  4. March of Dimes, Newport Beach.
  5. Marin Council of Agencies, Management assistance to nonprofits, San Rafael.
  6. Marin Lodge No. 200, IOOF, San Rafael.
  7. Marina Counseling Center, San Francisco.
  8. Marine League of California City, California City.
  9. Marines' Memorial Club, Military reunions and lodging, San Francisco.
  10. Mary And Patty Bowden Foundation, Scholarships, San Leandro.
  11. Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center, Novato.
  12. Maturango Museum, Natural history Museum, Ridgecrest.
  13. Media Communications Association International, Multimedia and video production, San Diego.
  14. Meet Each Need with Dignity, Volunteers serving the impoverished, Pacoima.
  15. Mercy Rescue Net, Pet adoption service and lost & found registry, Van Nuys.
  16. Meredith International College Of Reason, Paradise.
  17. Mid-Peninsula Alano Club, Alcoholism and addiction information, Sunnyvale.
  18. Mill Valley Historical Society, Mill Valley.
  19. Mill Valley Masonic Lodge, Mill Valley.
  20. Mill Valley Streamkeepers, Protecting and improving watersheds, Mill Valley.
  21. Mindful Education, Homeschooling organization, Davis.
  22. Mission Doctors Association, Supporting Catholic doctors working in missions, Los Angeles.
  23. Mission San Juan Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano.
  24. Molino Park Renovation, Mill Valley.
  25. MOMents, A support group for MOMS, Lodi.
  26. Monterey Elks Lodge #1285, Monterey.
  27. Moose Lodge 1677, California City.
  28. Morbrook Institute, Psychotherapist training, community counseling, Camarillo.
  29. MORE Family Resource Center, Burlingame.
  30. More of Jesus Ministries, Laguna Niguel.
  31. Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras, Annual Memorial Day weekend festival for scholarships, Morgan Hill.
  32. Morongo Basin Amateur Radio Club, Yucca Valley.
  33. Morontia Society Foundation, Irvine.
  34. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, North Hollywood.
  35. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Orange.
  36. Mount Calvary Baptist Church, Suisun City.
  37. Mount Diablo Interpretive Association, Walnut Creek.
  38. MOVING BEYOND Productions, Video, dance, & theater production, San Francisco.
  39. MS MOMS, Women/mothers with Multiple Sclerosis, Orangevale.
  40. MultiSource Association, Printing, packaging, media, graphic arts, Costa Mesa.
  41. Music in Schools Today, Supports music education for youth, San Francisco.
  42. Music Research Institute, Point Richmond.
  43. Musicians' Assistance Program, Drug abuse assistance, Hollywood.
  44. MuSIG, Special interest group for computer music, Palo Alto.
  45. My Debt Counselor, Debt and housing counseling services, San Diego.
  46. My Handi-Capable Reporter, Newspaper for the handicapped, Harbor City.
  47. MyndAtEase, Internet safety information, Modesto.


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