California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("L" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. L.A. Bridges Theatre Co. of the Deaf, Los Angeles.
  2. La Jolla Newcomers Club, San Diego.
  3. La Mesa United Methodist Church, La Mesa.
  4. Labor/Community Strategy Center, Los Angeles.
  5. Lady Elle Foundation, Portraits for cancer patients/families, Oxnard.
  6. Lake Tahoe Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, South Lake Tahoe.
  7. Lancia Cars, Berkeley.
  8. LastDay Gospel COGIC, Long Beach.
  9., Sailboat used to raise money for schools, Bellflower.
  10. Leadership Santa Barbara County, Leadership development, Santa Barbara.
  11. Leadership Tomorrow, Newport Beach.
  12. League of California Homeowners, Ontario.
  13. Learning in the Real World, Information on computers in classrooms, Woodland.
  14. LEGACY-The Landscape Connection, Biodiversity conservation strategies, Arcata.
  15. LETS Information Bureau, Community watch organization, Sacramento.
  16. Libertarian Party, San Jose.
  17. Libertarian Society, Santa Barbara.
  18. Life Steps Foundation, Human services, Los Angeles.
  19. Lincoln Training Center, Serving adults with developmental disabilities, South El Monte.
  20. Lindsay Wildlife Museum, Walnut Creek.
  21. Livermore Heritage Guild, Livermore.
  22. Livermore Youth Soccer League, Youth organization, Livermore.
  23. Living Way Ministries, Van Nuys.
  24. Lompoc Valley Historical Society, Lompoc.
  25. Long Beach Community Band, Long Beach.
  26. Los Altos Hills Civic Association, Los Altos Hills.
  27. Los Angeles Alliance for Childhood, Speaker's bureau, workshops, Altadena.
  28. Los Angeles Astronomical Society, Amateur astronomy society, Los Angeles.
  29. Los Angeles Cable Television Access Corporation, Los Angeles.
  30. Los Angeles Center for Law and Justice, Los Angeles.
  31. Los Angeles Center for traumatic stress & sudden bereavement, Los Angeles.
  32. Los Angeles County Arts Commission, Los Angeles.
  33. Los Angeles County Community Development Commission, Monterey Park.
  34. Los Angeles Music Center Opera, Los Angeles.
  35. Los Angeles Shanti Foundation, HIV/AIDS information, Los Angeles.
  36. Lullalee Publications Ministries, San Bruno.
  37. Lutheran Social Services of Southern California, Emergency assistance, Fullerton.
  38. Lytton Gardens, Senior housing and health care center, Palo Alto.


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