California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("K" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Kabir Foundation, Addiction and substance abuse information, Hollister.
  2. KAIROS Los Angeles, Los Angeles.
  3. KAIROS Support for Caregivers, San Francisco.
  4. Kaleo Fellowship of Christ, San Diego.
  5. Kalicore, Public health IT infrastructure, Sacramento.
  6. kauaii insights, Consulting, San Diego.
  7. Keddem Congregation, Palo Alto.
  8. Kern County Network for Children, Bakersfield.
  9. Kestrel Institute, Computer science research institute, Palo Alto.
  10. Keys to New Hope, Christian support group service, Santa Barbara.
  11. Kids Soccer, San Diego.
  12. Kings County REACT Team 4965, Emergency radio communications, Lemoore.
  13. Kiwanis Club of San Carlos, San Carlos.
  14. Kollage Community School for the Arts, Belmont.
  15. Korean American Museum of Art and Cultural Center, Los Angeles.
  16. Kuvasz Fanciers of America, Kuvasz dog rescue, resources, & education, Northridge.


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