California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("T" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Tabard Theatre Company, Theatrical productions, training & outreach, San Jose.
  2. Tahoe/Colonial Collaborative for Healthy Children, Sacramento.
  3. TBI, Brain injury project, Ben Lomond.
  4. Team Santa Monica, Swimming club team, Santa Monica.
  5. Teen Rescue, Helping families with out-of-control teenagers, Corona.
  6. Telepoetics, Contemporary poetics information, Los Angeles.
  7. Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp., Housing and support services, San Francisco.
  8. Ternion Academy of Martial Arts, Santa Clara.
  9. Thai Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Bellflower.
  10. The AIDS Food Store, Long Beach.
  11. The American Legion Department of California, San Francisco.
  12. The Butterfly Palace, Monarch butterfly information, Pismo Beach.
  13. The Christopher Group, Research & consulting services for nonprofits, Santa Rosa.
  14. The Courier Disaster Response Team, SF cyclists trained to be disaster responders, San Francisco.
  15. The Friedman-Klarreich Family Foundation, Focusing on young women and family stability, Los Altos.
  16. The Grace Homes, Serving abused teenage mothers & their infants, Visalia.
  17. The Luster Fund, Community-based projects, San Francisco.
  18. The Marine Mammal Center, Rescue, care & release of marine mammals, Sausalito.
  19. The Marrland Property Owners Association, Simi Valley.
  20. The Monterey Bay Recumbent Club, Pacific Grove.
  21. The National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy, Therapy, using the horse as a tool, Woodside.
  22. The Nautilus Institute, Global problem solvers, Berkeley.
  23. The Read In Foundation, Literacy through the use of telecommunications, Riverbank.
  24. The Salvation Army, Los Angeles.
  25. The SON Foundatin, Pancreatic cancer foundation, Laguna Niguel.
  26. The VOW Foundation, Helping victims of work related violent crime, Oceanside.
  27. The World Party, Political party, San Jacinto.
  28. The Young Americans, Music education, Corona.
  29. Theatre of NOTE, Hollywood.
  30. Theonomist Fighters Of America, Lodi.
  31., Coalition for the arts, Palo Alto.
  32. Three Past Midnight Press, Publication of local artists and writers, Davis.
  33. Tigerlily Cat Rescue, Cat rescue and adoption, Valencia.
  34. TOFA of Sacramento, Sacramento.
  35. Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation, Walnut Creek.
  36. Torelli Foundation for Hope and Humanity, Beverly Hills.
  37. Torrance Jaycees, Leadership training through community service, Torrance.
  38. Torrance Judo Club, Torrance.
  39. Tracy Rainbow Girls, Service organization for girls, Tracy.
  40. Tracy Wrestling Federation, Tracy.
  41. Tri-Cities Children's Centers, Fremont.
  42. Tri-County Economic Development, Chico.
  43. Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church, Pleasanton.
  44. Tri-Valley Housing Scholarship Program, Rental assistance program for students, Hayward.
  45. Trinity County REACT, CB Emergency Communications volunteers, Hayfork.
  46. TRUTH - The Residents Understanding The Hype, Opponents of Castro Valley incorporation, Castro Valley.
  47. Tu An Zen Temple, Santa Ana.
  48. Tujunga United Methodist Church, Tujunga.
  49. Twin Cities Concert Association, Chamber music performances, Nevada City.
  50. TWO WORLDS UNITED Educational Foundation, Simi Valley.


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