California Non-Profit Organizations ("T" entries)
(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)
- Tabard Theatre Company, Theatrical productions, training & outreach, San Jose.
- Tahoe/Colonial Collaborative for Healthy Children, Sacramento.
- TBI, Brain injury project, Ben Lomond.
- Team Santa Monica, Swimming club team, Santa Monica.
- Teen Rescue, Helping families with out-of-control teenagers, Corona.
- Telepoetics, Contemporary poetics information, Los Angeles.
- Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp., Housing and support services, San Francisco.
- Ternion Academy of Martial Arts, Santa Clara.
- Thai Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Bellflower.
- The AIDS Food Store, Long Beach.
- The American Legion Department of California, San Francisco.
- The Butterfly Palace, Monarch butterfly information, Pismo Beach.
- The Christopher Group, Research & consulting services for nonprofits, Santa Rosa.
- The Courier Disaster Response Team, SF cyclists trained to be disaster responders, San Francisco.
- The Friedman-Klarreich Family Foundation, Focusing on young women and family stability, Los Altos.
- The Grace Homes, Serving abused teenage mothers & their infants, Visalia.
- The Luster Fund, Community-based projects, San Francisco.
- The Marine Mammal Center, Rescue, care & release of marine mammals, Sausalito.
- The Marrland Property Owners Association, Simi Valley.
- The Monterey Bay Recumbent Club, Pacific Grove.
- The National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy, Therapy, using the horse as a tool, Woodside.
- The Nautilus Institute, Global problem solvers, Berkeley.
- The Read In Foundation, Literacy through the use of telecommunications, Riverbank.
- The Salvation Army, Los Angeles.
- The SON Foundatin, Pancreatic cancer foundation, Laguna Niguel.
- The VOW Foundation, Helping victims of work related violent crime, Oceanside.
- The World Party, Political party, San Jacinto.
- The Young Americans, Music education, Corona.
- Theatre of NOTE, Hollywood.
- Theonomist Fighters Of America, Lodi.
-, Coalition for the arts, Palo Alto.
- Three Past Midnight Press, Publication of local artists and writers, Davis.
- Tigerlily Cat Rescue, Cat rescue and adoption, Valencia.
- TOFA of Sacramento, Sacramento.
- Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation, Walnut Creek.
- Torelli Foundation for Hope and Humanity, Beverly Hills.
- Torrance Jaycees, Leadership training through community service, Torrance.
- Torrance Judo Club, Torrance.
- Tracy Rainbow Girls, Service organization for girls, Tracy.
- Tracy Wrestling Federation, Tracy.
- Tri-Cities Children's Centers, Fremont.
- Tri-County Economic Development, Chico.
- Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church, Pleasanton.
- Tri-Valley Housing Scholarship Program, Rental assistance program for students, Hayward.
- Trinity County REACT, CB Emergency Communications volunteers, Hayfork.
- TRUTH - The Residents Understanding The Hype, Opponents of Castro Valley incorporation, Castro Valley.
- Tu An Zen Temple, Santa Ana.
- Tujunga United Methodist Church, Tujunga.
- Twin Cities Concert Association, Chamber music performances, Nevada City.
- TWO WORLDS UNITED Educational Foundation, Simi Valley.