California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("B" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Baja Condors, Motorcycle club, San Diego.
  2. Barstow Tennis Association, Hinkley.
  3. Batavia Machinery, New and used machine tools and parts, Oakland.
  4. Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors, San Francisco.
  5. Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools, Oakland.
  6. Bay Area Footbag Foundation, Cupertino.
  7. Bay Area Teen Voices, Alternative education program for young women, San Francisco.
  8. Bay Area Video Coalition, Media center, San Francisco.
  9. Bay Area Volunteer Information Center, San Francisco.
  10. Bay Concert Arts, Watsonville.
  11. Bay Gourmet, Restaurant reviews, tasting events, Richmond.
  12. Bellflower Presbyterian Church, Bellflower.
  13. Best Buddies, Enhancing the lives of people with disabilities, Los Angeles.
  14. Best Buddies Inland Empire, Redlands.
  15. Beth Eden Baptist Church, Oakland.
  16. Bi-National AIDS Advocacy Project, San Diego.
  17. Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay, Mountain bike advocacy, Berkeley.
  18. Bikers For Kids, Visalia.
  19. Bionomics Institute, Educational foundation, San Rafael.
  20. Bird Foundation, Promoting U.S. - Israel development, Santa Clara.
  21. Black Elk Band of Cherokees, Clearlake.
  22. Black Knights Drum Corps, Non-profit youth organization, Burbank.
  23. Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Elk.
  24. Blind Childrens Center, Los Angeles.
  25. Blindness Support Services, Riverside.
  26. Blue Devils, Performing arts youth organization, Concord.
  27. Blue Shadows Mounted Drill Team, Equestrian team for kids, Agua Dulce.
  28. Boxers In Need, Helping boxers in need of medical attention, Temple City.
  29. Boy Scouts of America, Bishop.
  30. Boy Scouts of America, Palo Alto.
  31. Boy Scouts of America, Sacramento.
  32. Boy Scouts of America, Salinas.
  33. Boy Scouts of America, San Jose.
  34. Boys and Girls Club, Facility-based youth club, Chico.
  35. Boys and Girls Club of Burbank, Burbank.
  36. Boys And Girls Club of Paso Robles, Paso Robles.
  37. Bread of Life Rescue Mission, Emergency shelter, meals, clothing, Oceanside.
  38. Break the Barriers, Art, dance, sign language, martial arts, gymnastics, Fresno.
  39. Bridges Church, Cypress.
  40. Burbank City Employees Association, Burbank.
  41. Business Network International, Corona.
  42. Butte Environmental Council, Chico.
  43. Butte Home Health and Hospice, Chico.
  44. Butte Humane Society, Dedicated to the welfare of animals, Chico.
  45. Butte Sailing Club, Palermo.


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