California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("E" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. EarthSave International, Plant-based diet, Santa Cruz.
  2. East Bay Community Recovery Project, Oakland.
  3. East County Performing Arts Center, El Cajon.
  4. Easter Seals Northern California, Novato.
  5. Easy Does It Emergency Services, Berkeley.
  6. Eco Foundation, Preserving & restoring tropical ecosystems, gene pools, Pleasanton.
  7. ECO Station, Exotic wildlife rescue and environmental education center, Culver City.
  8. Eco-Angel Enterprises, Environmental education, Solvang.
  9. Economic Roundtable, Public strategy research organization, Los Angeles.
  10. El Rancho High School B.A.S.S. Fishing Club, Pico Rivera.
  11. Electric Auto Association San Jose Chapter, Promoting the public use of Electric Vehicles, San Jose.
  12. Encino Judo Club, Camarillo.
  13. Engineers' Council, Woodland Hills.
  14. Enterprise for Economic Excellence, San Bernardino.
  15. Enterzone, Electronic magazine, Oakland.
  16. Environmental Council of Sacramento, Coalition of environmental groups, Sacramento.
  17. Environmental Forum of Marin, Larkspur.
  18. Environmental Traveling Companions, Outdoor adventures for people with special needs, San Francisco.
  19. Epic Arts, Arts and education foundation, Berkeley.
  20. Epicentre, Regional teen center, San Diego.
  21. Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist, San Francisco.
  22. Equal Rights Advocates, Law firm, San Francisco.
  23. Equine Research Foundation, Equine cognition and learning, care and welfare, Aptos.
  24. Escondido Mobile/Manufactured Home Positive Action Committee, Escondido.
  25. Essential-Accolade, Christian entertainment, Harbor City.
  26. Estrella Community Development, Los Angeles.
  27. Eternal Life Fellowship, Sacramento.
  28. European American Issues Forum, Americans protecting civil rights, San Bruno.
  29. European/American Education and Legal Defense Foundation, Saratoga.
  30. Evaluation and Training Institute, Program evaluation services, Los Angeles.
  31. Every One Matters, Beautification projects on school campuses, Menlo Park.


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