California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("H" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Habib Levy Cultural & Educational Foundation, Beverly Hills.
  2. Hannah's Haven, Help for the developmentally disabled, Castro Valley.
  3. Happy Tails, No-kill pet sanctuary, Sacramento.
  4. Harbor Regional Center, Service agency for the developmentally disabled., Torrance.
  5. Harry Singer Foundation, Public policy foundation, Carmel.
  6. Health Administration Responsibility Project, HMO and nursing home legal information, Santa Monica.
  7. Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers, Hearing loss and tinnitus prevention, San Francisco.
  8. Heart of Los Angeles Youth, Inner-city youth center, Los Angeles.
  9. Heart To Heart International Ministries, Aid to Romanian orphans, Ramona.
  10. Hearts of Passion, Television show promoting volunteerism, Culver City.
  11. Helen Woodward Animal Center, People helping animals and people, Rancho Santa Fe.
  12. Hessians Motorcycle Club, Llano.
  13. Hessians Motorcycle Club, Llano.
  14. Hi-Desert Horseman's Association, Equestrian activities, Lancaster.
  15. High Desert Youth Hockey Association, Ridgecrest.
  16. Highlands Child Care Center & Preschool, Los Angeles.
  17. Hiram's Inner Chamber, Fraternal and phillanthropic organization, San Diego.
  18. Hollywood United Methodist Church, Los Angeles.
  19. HomeSchool Association of California, Atascadero.
  20. Hospice of the Valley, Hospice and end-of-life care, San Jose.
  21. Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership, Los Angeles.
  22. Human Response Network, Social services, Weaverville.
  23. Human Rights Congress for Bangladeshi Minorities, Santa Clara.
  24. Humane Education Network, Advocates reform in the use of research animals, Menlo Park.
  25. Humanist Association of San Diego, San Diego.
  26. Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area, Orangevale.
  27. Humbolt Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship, Bayside.


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