California Pages - Web Directory

California Non-Profit Organizations ("G" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. GalaxyGoo, Exploring science and new media online, San Francisco.
  2. Gateways Hospital & Mental Health Center, Los Angeles.
  3. Gather the People, Congregational community organizing & development, Los Angeles.
  4. GeoSeismic Labs, Earthquake precursor research, Hesperia.
  5. Girl Scouts of Santa Clara County, San Jose.
  6. Girl Scouts-Joshua Tree Council, Bakersfield.
  7. Glaucoma Research Foundation, San Francisco.
  8. Glen Eden, Family nudist resort, Corona.
  9. Global Cycling Network, Stanford.
  10. Global Exchange, Human rights research, education & action center, San Francisco.
  11. Global SchoolNet Foundation, Telecommunications education, Oceanside.
  12. Global Visions, Humanitarian directory, Santa Monica.
  13. Gold Country Baptist Church, Shingle Springs.
  14. Golden Gate Youth Sports Association, San Rafael.
  15. Golden State Gateway Coalition, Highway transportation issues, Santa Clarita.
  16. Golden Umbrella, Serving seniors in Shasta County, Redding.
  17. Goldman Environmental Foundation, San Francisco.
  18. Goodwill Industries of Orange County, Santa Ana.
  19. Goodwill of Santa Clara County, Santa Clara.
  20. Gospel Literature International, Ontario.
  21. Grace Fellowship Church, Norco.
  22. Great Valley Center, Modesto.
  23. Greater Los Angeles Council on Deafness, Bakersfield.
  24. Greater Sacramento Urban League, Social services & technology training center, Sacramento.
  25. Green Hills Memorial Park, Cemetery, crematory, and mausoleum, Rancho Palos Verdes.
  26. Greenbelt Alliance, San Francisco.
  27. Gridiron Girls, Football programs for women, San Diego.
  28. GriefCare, Grief counseling and education, Capistrano Beach.
  29. Gymnastics Olympica USA, Gymnastics training, Van Nuys.


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