California Pages - Web Directory

California Information Technology ("Z" entries)

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(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. Z3 ENGINEERING, Consulting, network integration, training, IT support, San Jose.
  2. Zaca Design, Engineering services for system and product design, Santa Barbara.
  3. Zadian Technologies, Test systems for I/O product development, San Jose.
  4. ZAG Technical Services, IT services, San Jose.
  5. ZD Exposition and Conference Company, Trade show information, Foster City.
  6. Zeba, Computer hardware distributor, San Diego.
  7. ZeeSoft, Software development, Los Altos.
  8. ZeitNet, ATM adapter cards and software, Santa Clara.
  9. Zendex, PCB's, multi-bus, cimbus, ind PC's, flat panels, Dublin.
  10. Zero G, Software deployment software, systems, San Francisco.
  11. ZF Linux Devices, Linux systems from semiconductors to appliances, Palo Alto.
  12. Ziatech, Industrial computers, San Luis Obispo.
  13. Zilog, Electronics, datacommunications, computer peripherals, Campbell.
  14. Zitel, Storage subsystems, Fremont.
  15. ZNYX, Server-based switches, Fremont.
  16. Zocalo, Berkeley.
  17. Zoommax Computers, Custom built computer systems, Sacramento.
  18. Zycad, Electronic design automation hardware and software, Fremont.
  19. ZyXEL, Intelligent modems, Anaheim.


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