California Information Technology ("Z" entries)
(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)
- Z3 ENGINEERING, Consulting, network integration, training, IT support, San Jose.
- Zaca Design, Engineering services for system and product design, Santa Barbara.
- Zadian Technologies, Test systems for I/O product development, San Jose.
- ZAG Technical Services, IT services, San Jose.
- ZD Exposition and Conference Company, Trade show information, Foster City.
- Zeba, Computer hardware distributor, San Diego.
- ZeeSoft, Software development, Los Altos.
- ZeitNet, ATM adapter cards and software, Santa Clara.
- Zendex, PCB's, multi-bus, cimbus, ind PC's, flat panels, Dublin.
- Zero G, Software deployment software, systems, San Francisco.
- ZF Linux Devices, Linux systems from semiconductors to appliances, Palo Alto.
- Ziatech, Industrial computers, San Luis Obispo.
- Zilog, Electronics, datacommunications, computer peripherals, Campbell.
- Zitel, Storage subsystems, Fremont.
- ZNYX, Server-based switches, Fremont.
- Zocalo, Berkeley.
- Zoommax Computers, Custom built computer systems, Sacramento.
- Zycad, Electronic design automation hardware and software, Fremont.
- ZyXEL, Intelligent modems, Anaheim.