California Pages - Web Directory

California Information Technology ("U" entries)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (Non-Alphabetic)

(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. U. C. Computers, Hardware and software, Berkeley.
  2. U.Vision, Computer peripherals and accessories, Redwood City.
  3. Ultra Technology, Minimal instruction set computers, Berkeley.
  4. Ultravid, Video teleconferencing software, San Diego.
  5. UMAX Technologies, Scanners and multimedia technology, Fremont.
  6. UName IT Solutions, IT outsourcing services, San Jose.
  7. Unicom Electric, Local area network technology, Santa Fe Springs.
  8. Unicom Sales, Hardware and software, San Jose.
  9. UniForum, Open system professional association, Santa Clara.
  10. Uniplex Software, Business and document management software, Folsom.
  11. Unisyn Software, Utility software systems, Los Angeles.
  12. Unitec Systems, Computer systems, upgrades, peripherals, Irvine.
  13. United Software Consulting, IT Consulting and recruiting, Oakland.
  14. UniTree Software, Hierarchical storage manager, Dublin.
  15. Universal Interactive Systems, Telephony software and services, Los Angeles.
  16. Universal Ribbons & Imaging Products, Cartridges and toner and related products, Los Alamitos.
  17. Universal Standard Appliances, Computer equipment/accessories, San Diego.
  18. University Video Communications, Computer science video lectures, Palo Alto.
  19. Upgrade Highway Network Services, Network installation and maintenance, San Jose.
  20. Uplin Micro, PC manufacturer and network consultant, Walnut.
  21. Uptrends Management Software, Sales and service automation software, Sacramento.
  22. Used Computer Mall, Santee.
  23. Used Laptops.Com, Used notebook computers, on-line catalog, Mountain View.


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