California Information Technology ("T" entries)
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Tech Visitor, Orange County.
Mobile Computer Repair and Support Services specialized in Computer Crashes. Available 24/7 for emergency support. Flat rates and estimates available.
- T.F.C., PC systems, Baldwin Park.
- T.J.T. International, Disk hard drives distributor, SCSI, IDE, Santa Fe Springs.
- T.R. Electronics, Computer consulting for small businesses, Salinas.
- TA Engineering, Industrial automation software, Moraga.
- Tahoe Design Software, Hydraulic, piping, and pump analysis software, Truckee.
- TAL (Tetherless Access Ltd.), wireless 64 Kbps TCP/IP networking to 30 km, Sunnyvale.
- Taligent, Object oriented software, Cupertino.
- Talking Technology Internet, PC-based telephony hardware and software, Alameda.
- TalkMan Modem, Dual voice/data modems, San Diego.
- Tandem Computers, Cupertino.
- Taos Mountain Software, UNIX contracting and training, Palo Alto.
- Tape Specialty, Compact disc, audio cassette manufacturing, North Hollywood.
- Tatung Science & Technology, Manufacturer of Blade & PC computers, Fremont.
- TCSI, Telecom software and services, Alameda.
- Team ASA, File server connectivity, San Diego.
- Team Memory, Memory products, Irvine.
- TECH 101, Computer monitors and systems, Irvine.
- Tech Solutions, Educational software & hardware, Cardiff.
- TechMaker, Embedded & real-time system development services, San Jose.
- Techmaster Electronics, Test equipment repair, calibration, sales, San Diego.
- TechMedia, Directory of European computer publications, Santa Cruz.
- Techmedia Computer Systems, PC systems, monitors, MPEG and video capture cards, Garden Grove.
- TechNet Solutions!, IT consultanting, Fresno.
- Technical Staffing, Information technology/engineering consulting/recruiting, San Francisco.
- TechnoCom, Wireless systems & engineering, Encino.
- Technology Board of Trade, Reusable software exchange, Los Altos.
- Technology Innovations, Digital design, troubleshooting, Mission Viejo.
- Technology Locator, Contract staffing - software & hardware engineers, San Diego.
- Technology Management Group, Network integration, San Diego.
- Technology Network, Information technology political coalition, Palo Alto.
- Technology OnLine, Los Angeles.
- Technology People, Computer consulting, Oakland.
- Technology Service, Engineering services, Santa Monica.
- Technology's Edge, Software integration, Irvine.
- Tech Visitor, Mobile Computer Repair, Orange County.
- TechWeek, Technology newsmagazine, Sunnyvale.
- TechXchange, Online advertising, computers, etc., Santa Monica.
- Tegal, Plasma etch systems for integrated circuit manufacturing, Petaluma.
- Tekelec, Network diagnostic and switching systems, Calabasas.
- Teknowledge, Knowledge processing applications, Palo Alto.
- Telebit, ISDN and modems, Sunnyvale.
- TeleBooks, Databooks conversion and design for on-line access, San Jose.
- Telecom Solutions, Telecommunication systems engineering, Lake Forest.
- Telecomm1Stop, I.S. & I.T. communications provider, San Jose.
- Telecommunications Consulting Group, Voice mail, telephone, LAN/WAN, Web site design, PBX, etc., Westlake Village.
- Telecomputer, Computer memory, Fountain Valley.
- Teledesign Systems, Wireless modems, San Jose.
- Teledynamic Communications, Computer-telephony products, San Francisco.
- TeleMeister, RFP writing, consulting focusing on telephony issues
, El Dorado Hills.
- Telenetics, Fiber optic and radio devices, Lake Forest.
- Teleos Research, advanced vision technology, intelligent perception, Palo Alto.
- Telephone Response Technologies, Computer telephony technology, Roseville.
- Telepresence Research, Virtual environment and remote presence technologies, Portola Valley.
- TeleProcessing Products, WAN CPE equipment, Simi Valley.
- Tellan Software, Electronic sales and credit card authorization software, San Jose.
- Telos, Computer based training (CBT) development, Mountain View.
- TelSoft Solutions, Call accounting software, Glendale.
- TelSoft Solutions, Call accounting software, billback, cost allocation, etc., Glendale.
- Telulex, Synthesized signal generator and analyzer, Mountain View.
- Tenadar Software, Software for kids, by kids, San Carlos.
- TenLab, Multisystem video products, Los Angeles.
- Tenon Intersystems, Unix over Mach for Macs, Santa Barbara.
- Teqni-Rep Associates, Network products, Chatsworth.
- TeraStor, High density storage, San Jose.
- Terayon, Data/video communication, Santa Clara.
- Terrafirma Video Productions, Video production, graphics, Burbank.
- Terran Interactive, Video compression/optimization software, San Jose.
- Test-X Fixture Products, Circuit board test fixtures, Riverside.
- TGV, DEC networking software, Santa Cruz.
- The Chip, Computer systems, Valencia.
- The Computer Aid, On-site Computer Repair, Networking, Videos, etc.., Antioch.
- The Mac Doctor, Mac troubleshooting service, San Jose.
- The Mate Company, Cables, terminators, adapters, converters, Glendale.
- The Metals Group, Heatsink products, Aptos.
- The PC Medic, PC repair and support, Fremont.
- The Tech Source, Technology solutions provider, system integrator, Simi Valley.
- Themis Computers, Single board computers, Fremont.
- Theta Computer, Computer systems, Culver City.
- Thomas Bros. Maps, map products, digital map data, and mapping related software, Irvine.
- TIBCO, Information systems integration, Palo Alto.
- Tidalwave Technologies, High availability software, San Francisco.
- TierSolution, Distributed n-tier architecture, software development, Livermore.
- Tiger Eye Consulting, Technical placement services, Redondo Beach.
- Tiger Jet Network, ISDN modems, Cupertino.
- Tim Malm Solutions, Macintosh installation and network services, consulting, Sunnyvale.
- Times Int'l Computers, Personal computer systems, Baldwin Park.
- Tippecanoe Systems, Indexing and barcode software products, Pleasanton.
- TKO Personnel, Employment opportunities, San Jose.
- TKO Video Communications, Video conferencing equipment, software & training, San Jose.
- Tobar Computer Systems, Computer systems, Oakhurst.
- Toner Products, Supplies for printers, FAXes, and plotters, Los Gatos.
- Total Corporate Services, Computers, peripherials and software, Campbell.
- Total Peripheral Repair, Data recovery, San Diego.
- Total Resolution, Electron microscopy & crystallography software, Berkeley.
- Total Solutions Consulting, Network integration, design, security, database, etc., Santa Clara.
- Totally Wireless, wireless voice and data communications, San Jose.
- Townsend Raimundo Besler & Usher, Communications consulting, Sacramento.
- TPC, Transaction processing and database benchmarks, San Jose.
- Trace-Net, Network consulting, Santa Clara.
- Training On Video, Computer courses, Santa Cruz.
- TrainPerfect, Software training, Laguna Hills.
- TransMedia Computer Consulting, Venice.
- Transmeta, Mobile computing processors, Santa Clara.
- Transtream, Communications products, Simi Valley.
- Tree Star, Mac software, San Carlos.
- Tri-Pacific Consulting, Custom programming, real-time, training, placement, Alameda.
- Tri-Star Memory, Computer memory, components, CPUs, motherboards, hard drives, etc., La Jolla.
- Trident Data Systems, Information protection services, Los Angeles.
- Trident Services, OS/390 MVS/ESA software tools, systems consulting, Sausalito.
- Trillium, Software for computer and communications equipment manufacturers, Los Angeles.
- TriPlus Technologies, Virtual desktop software for Windows, Santa Barbara.
- TriTeal, UNIX graphical workstation software, Carlsbad.
- Tritech Solution, Printer and terminal repair, Garden Grove.
- Triumph Logistic Computers (TLC), PC Multimedia products, Covina.
- Troy Brimm, PC consulting and technical support, Modesto.
- TruCost Enterprises, Computer equipment, Fremont.
- TrueClone, Computer hardware, Concord.
- Trusted Information Systems, Mountain View.
- TSCO, Contract programming, consulting, Oxnard.
- Tudor Graphics, Mouse pads, t-shirts, tote bags, Santa Barbara.
- Turbolinux, Linux systems for enterprise computing, database, Brisbane.
- Tut Systems, Copper wire networking, Pleasant Hill.
- Tuxtops, Laptops, Sunnyvale.
- Twin Industries, Prototype boards, Santa Clara.