California Pages - Web Directory

California Information Technology ("X" entries)

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(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. X/Open, Open Systems software consortium, Menlo Park.
  2. Xantrion, Small business computer solutions, Oakland.
  3. XaQti, Gigabit Ethernet networking products, San Jose.
  4. Xcert Software, Security enhancement software, Walnut Creek.
  5. Xhibition, Open systems conference and tradeshow, San Jose.
  6. Xicor, Memory ICs, Milpitas.
  7. Xilinx, CMOS programmable logic and development systems, San Jose.
  8. Xinet, Mac Appleshare on Unix, Berkeley.
  9. Xircom, Mobile networking, Calabasas.
  10. XLINK Technology, File management and printer connections, Milpitas.
  11. XLNT Designs, Ethernet and FDDI products, San Diego.
  12. Xplor International, Electronic document systems association, Torrance.
  13. Xtend Micro Products, Notebook computer power accessories, Irvine.
  14. Xylan, Ethernet and token ring switches, Calabasas.
  15. Xyratex International, Test equipment, including SCSI, DMS, fibre channel analyzers, San Jose.


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