California Information Technology ("X" entries)
(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)
- X/Open, Open Systems software consortium, Menlo Park.
- Xantrion, Small business computer solutions, Oakland.
- XaQti, Gigabit Ethernet networking products, San Jose.
- Xcert Software, Security enhancement software, Walnut Creek.
- Xhibition, Open systems conference and tradeshow, San Jose.
- Xicor, Memory ICs, Milpitas.
- Xilinx, CMOS programmable logic and development systems, San Jose.
- Xinet, Mac Appleshare on Unix, Berkeley.
- Xircom, Mobile networking, Calabasas.
- XLINK Technology, File management and printer connections, Milpitas.
- XLNT Designs, Ethernet and FDDI products, San Diego.
- Xplor International, Electronic document systems association, Torrance.
- Xtend Micro Products, Notebook computer power accessories, Irvine.
- Xylan, Ethernet and token ring switches, Calabasas.
- Xyratex International, Test equipment, including SCSI, DMS, fibre channel analyzers, San Jose.