California Information Technology ("G" entries)
(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)
- Gadzoox Microsystems, Gigabit connectivity solutions (e.g. Fibre Channel), Los Gatos.
- Galatea Productions, Media production company, Hollywood.
- Gamapiy Infotech, Offshore/onsite software development, Web, DBMS, etc. recruiting, San Jose.
- Gambit Automated Design, IC place and route software and service provider, San Jose.
- Game Guys, Mac software, Van Nuys.
- GameSpot, PC game information, San Francisco.
- GammaLink, PC-to-fax hardware and software products, Sunnyvale.
- Garrett Communications, Ethernet products, Fremont.
- Garza Industries, Paper, office, computer & laser printer supplies & printing, Anaheim.
- GateMaster, Management/marketing software systems, Hercules.
- Gateway Group, Computer consulting, Lafayette.
- GC Technologies, Fiber optic accessories, test, systems, assemblies, components, Morgan Hill.
- GDA Technology Advertising, Technology ad agency, San Jose.
- Geek Houses, Santa Cruz.
- Gelber and Associates, Computer training and consulting, Santa Cruz.
- General BBS, San Diego.
- General Disk, Disk drive test/manufacturing equipment, drive repair, San Jose.
- General Software Solutions, PC software development, San Clemente.
- General Technique, Computer systems, Highland.
- Genesis Computer Systems, Workstations and networks, Anaheim.
- Geneva Systems, Data collection systems, Anaheim.
- Genovation, Notebook computer and custom keyboards, Irvine.
- Geographic Designs, Geographic, spatial and GIS data software, Santa Barbara.
- GeoPerception, Wearable computer products - e.g. head mounted displays, San Diego.
- Geotest-Marvin Test Systems, PC-Based ATE and test & measurement products, Santa Ana.
- GeoTrain, Network administration/support training, San Rafael.
- GET Engineering, Bus adapters, El Cajon.
- Getwork San Diego, IT career change & job shift resources, San Diego.
- Gibson Research, Virus protection and other software, Laguna Hills.
- Gigabit Ethernet Alliance, Gigabit Ethernet industry forum, Cupertino.
- GigaLabs, Ethernet switches, Sunnyvale.
- GigaTest Labs, Semiconductor and electronics engineering services, Cupertino.
- Gitano Software, Custom software development, Bakersfield.
- Glacier Point Software, Virtual reality shareware, Los Gatos.
- Glendora Computer, Repairs, upgrades, custom systems, networking, Glendora.
- Global Communications Solutions (GCS), Integrated communication and network consulting, Vista.
- Global Computers, Laptop, notebook, mobile computers, San Jose.
- Global Computers, Portable computers and accessories, San Jose.
- Global Interactive, Foster City.
- Global Telepath, Network computing, video, voice, LAN/WAN, network integration
, San Jose.
- Global Videoconferencing Solutions, Videoconferencing products, San Jose.
- GlobalCast Communications, Multicast communication technologies, Hayward.
- GlobalVillage Communication, PC communication products, Sunnyvale.
- GLOBEtrotter Software, FLEXlm license management and software asset management software, Campbell.
- Glyphica Solutions, Adobe Acrobat/PDF services, Palo Alto.
- GMM Research, Communications hardware, Irvine.
- GMU Design Group, Architects and planners, Yuba City.
- Gnomon, Computer animation and special effects training center, Los Angeles.
- GNP Computers, Telecommunications servers, Monrovia.
- Godfather Computer, Personal computer systems, Pleasanton.
- Golden Eagle Technologies, Computer systems, parts, and accessories, Santa Ana.
- Goodall Software Engineering, Rohnert Park.
- Gores Technology Group, Technology acquisition and management, Los Angeles.
- GoToMyPC, Web browser access to personal workstation/PC/computer, Santa Barbara.
- Gracenote, Music recognition, content delivery, database, Berkeley.
- Graduate Limited, Software for academia, San Diego.
- GRAFX Group, Interactive graphics, San Clemente.
- Grande Vitesse Systems, Computer systems, servers and networks, San Francisco.
- Granite Digital, SCSI products, Union City.
- GraphComp, Graphics software, Los Gatos.
- Graphics Depot, Screen savers, fractal movies, textures, 3-d images, etc., Santa Cruz.
- Graphics Design, Sherman Oaks.
- Graphics Development International, Electronic forms and image processing software, Novato.
- Graphics To Go, Graphic design, Mission Viejo.
- GraphOn, Connectivity software, Campbell.
- Grass Valley Group, Digital video systems, software, digital TV, Nevada City.
- Gravitas Consulting, Web site design, graphics, user interface, Santa Clara.
- GRC, Printer ribbons and cartridges, Chatsworth.
- GRC International, professional and technical services, Santa Barbara.
- GRE America, Spread spectrum radio modems (Gina), Belmont.
- Great Circle Associates, Internet security firewall systems, consulting, Majordomo, Mountain View.
- Greentree Systems, Employment office software, Campbell.
- Griffin Consolidated Services, Electronics, multimedia, Internet service provider, etc., Los Angeles.
- Gryphon Software, San Diego.
- Guardian Computer Support, Computer service, repair and installation, Pleasanton.
- Guidestar Training, Manhattan Beach.
- Gupta, SQL database software, Menlo Park.
- Gyration, Gyroscopes for personal computer, multimedia and interactive television, Saratoga.