California Pages - Web Directory

California Information Technology ("J" entries)

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(Click on a letter to fetch an alphabetic section.)

  1. J. Frank Consulting, Client/server consulting, Palo Alto.
  2. Jabra, Human auditory interfaces, San Diego.
  3. Jaguar Marketing Group, SIGMA LC memory tester, Los Gatos.
  4. James Phillips Computer Services, In-home computer services, North Hollywood.
  5. J&H Marsh & McLennan, Risk management, information systems consulting, San Francisco.
  6. J&L Fiber, Fiber optic connectors and adapters, Anaheim.
  7. Jantek Electronics, Time & attendance, job tracking, access control, etc. software, Temple City.
  8. JASCA, Charting and graphing software, San Diego.
  9. Jaycor, Fibre channel communication cards, San Diego.
  10. JB Systems, Maintenance management software, Woodland Hills.
  11. JCL Computer Parts, Anaheim.
  12. JDS Computers, PC sales and support, San Diego.
  13. JDS MicroProcessing, Remote connectivity products, Lake Forest.
  14. Jeffries Technologies, Hardware and software, Los Angeles.
  15. JK microsystems, Embedded system products/services, Davis.
  16. JM Fiber Optics, Fiber optic communication products/services/training for voice & data, Chino.
  17. JMac Electronics, Computer peripherals and software, Los Angeles.
  18. JMI Consulting Group, Simulation education, support, and consulting, Palos Verdes.
  19. Job 1 Systems, Palo Alto.
  20. Jobs International, Engineering, IT and high tech employment service, Vista.
  21. Johnson-Grace, Electronic-publishing software, Newport Beach.
  22. JSB, Client/server software, Scotts Valley.
  23. JSCS, Computer components - memory, hard Drives, CD-ROM's, etc., San Diego.
  24. Juniper Networks, Computer networking equipment, Sunnyvale.
  25. Just Computers, Linux products, Petaluma.
  26., Computer printers, San Diego.


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