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California Commercial Businesses ("Y" entries)

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  1. Yahnian Consulting, Business and management consulting, Visalia.
  2. Yamaha, Music, computer, motorcycle products, etc., Buena Park.
  3. Yardi Systems, Real estate software and listings, Santa Barbara.
  4. Ye Olde Candle Shoppe, Yountville.
  5. Yeager for Assembly, Election campaign for Ken Yeager, San Jose.
  6. Yeeeoww!!!, Digital cartoons, Pasadena.
  7. Yellow Tulip Press, Chapbooks, Ben Lomond.
  8. YES Capital Funding, Mortgage loans, Riverside.
  9. Yolo Shortline Railroad Company, Freight and tourist Railroad. Steam trains, Woodland.
  10. Yours For A Song, Company songs and jingles, Scotts Valley.
  11. Yung Le's Fusion, Pan-asian restaurant, San Jose.


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