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Map of Trinity County, California

Trinity County California

Trinity County Resources:

Trinity County DMV Locations
Trinity County City Guide
Trinity County Schools
Trinity County Restaurants
California Vacation Packages

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Trinity County:

Cities in Trinity County

There are no ncorporated cities in Trinity County.

About Trinity County:

Trinity County is a county located in the northwestern portion of the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population of Trinity County was 13,786, making it the fourth-least populous county in California. The county seat and largest community is Weaverville.

Trinity County is rugged, mountainous, heavily forested, and lies along the Trinity River within the Salmon/Klamath Mountains. The county has no traffic lights, no freeways, no parking meters, or no incorporated cities. It did not have a chain store or restaurant until 1999, when Burger King, Movie Gallery (closed), Longs Drugs (now CVS/pharmacy), and Subway opened for business. Weaverville, the county seat, has the distinction of housing some of California's oldest buildings. The courthouse, built in 1856, is the second oldest in the state, and the Weaverville Drug Store has been filling prescriptions since 1852. The Joss House is an historic Taoist temple built in 1873.

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